Since it was a nice sunny day, I also went to Newstead Abbey which is only a few miles away from Patchings farm. It is a beautiful house, outside and in. Although, I felt as though I should have been dressed in a fine 18th or 19th century gown befitting the period of the house. I could quite see myself living in a house like that. If only I could afford it...oh well...a girl can dream.
We went up to Whitby for the day on 25th April. It was the first Whitby Gothic Weekend of the year. It was nice to catch up with some of our friends.
Last Saturday we went to East Kirkby air museum with our motorbike club. We saw the Lancaster bomber and the Dakota flew over the air base. From there we went to stay with a friend in Lincoln. On Sunday a group of us rode up to our house and we all had the Hungarian stew that my neighbour taught me, it went down a treat. Most people had two to three helpings.
I have been busy sewing since my last post and have now finished another two bears that are available for adoption, Emma and Spike.